240 ACRES IN 3 TRACTS AUCTION LIVE & ONLINE Don’t overlook this opportunity to invest in land that seldom comes up for sale. TRACT 1 South half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7-26-10 in Reno County, KS selling 80 acres more or less LOCATION: 1 mile south of Turon, KS & 1 mile west, Corner of Raymond Rd and Silverlake Rd FSA REPORT 79.22 acres of cropland 52.10 acres wheat base PLC yield of 38 bushels 27.11 acres milo base PLC yield of 57 bushels • Currently all of this is planted to wheat, buyer shall receive possession after the 2024 wheat harvest • A nice tract of farmland with good access and in a good location • Taxes: $572.65 to be prorated at closing • Terms: $16,000 down on sale day TRACT 2 South half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21-26-10 in Reno County KS selling 80 acres more or less LOCATION: from Turon, KS, 3 miles south to Boundary Rd & 1 mile east in Reno County, KS FSA REPORT 79.89 acres of cropland 79.9 acres enrolled in CRP $43.89 / acre or $3,507 annually Expires 9 / 30 / 2025 • 2024 payment will be prorated by FSA. Buyer shall maintain the CRP contract for the duration of the contract and be in compliance with FSA Guidelines • A nice tract of CRP grass with good access close to blacktop road • Taxes: $749.77 to be prorated at closing • Terms: $16,000 down on sale day TRACT 3 North half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6-27-10 in Kingman County, KS selling 80 acres more or less LOCATION: From Turon, KS go south on blacktop Brownlee Rd 5 miles to NW 40th street, then west 1 mile, then south ½ mile on NW 180th Ave. FSA REPORT 54.53 acres of cropland 53.70 acres wheat base PLC yield of 38 bushels .79 acres milo base PLC yield of 57 bushels 25.41 acres in CRP $38 / acre or $966 annually Expires 9 / 30 / 2035 • Currently 54 acres is planted to wheat, buyer shall receive possession after the 2024 wheat harvest. • Buyer shall maintain the CRP contract for the duration of the contract and be in compliance with FSA guidelines. Possession upon closing, 2024 payment with be prorated by FSA. • Taxes: $498.28 to be prorated at closing • Terms: $15,000 down on sale day • Access 1 ½ mile from blacktop road, good location, halfway between Turon & Cunningham, KS, has a former site of improvements • This tract has some trees with good deer habitat, very secluded with lots of hunting & recreational potential TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Down payment on the day of the sell is non-refundable and the remaining balance due at closing. Sale is not contingent on obtaining financing. No buyer’s premium will be charged. Buyer will be responsible for any Buyer Agent fees. Taxes are to be prorated at closing. Seller will furnish Title Insurance for the buyer. Buyer shall pay closing fee at the Title Company. Property is being sold as-is without any written or implied guarantees. Sold subject to any easements of record. This auction will be held both in-person and online. Any announcements made on sale day take precedence over auction ad or flyer.