Glass insulators; barb wire collection; 3 gal. wood barrel; 1958 Master Lable #22924 lightning rod plate.; Stowell Mfg Co. cast iron round floor grate; floor lamp with glass bottom; Antique doll buggy frame; Antique doll buggy; Egg-Kool egg cooler; elec. wringer washer; old wood stove; Antique kerosene lanterns; old seed sacks (plastic Pioneer); old tins; old broiler can; old cigar boxes; old German pictures; old photo albums with pictures; Antique nut cracker; Household; Antique vanity w/mirror & stool; large antique dresser; Antique dresser w/round top mirror; Antique organ; metal frame chairs; large glass funnel; straight razor; cast iron elephant; cast iron trucks; cast iron coffee mill; cast iron wagons; wood rolling toys; Antique Instruments: Tremolo Concert Harp (M. Hohner, Germany), Antique instrument (Pianolin) with old sheet music; old German Bible; misc. costume jewelry; German stein; misc. tins; Currier & Ives candy tin; old Successful Farming mag. 1926 to 1947; old Newspapers inc.: Marshall Co. Extra 1945 Headline “Japs Surrender,” Hanover news with Class of 1953, Hanover News (1955), Marshall News 1942, Marysville Advocate July 76 RR Edition, Topeka Capitol Aug 1945, Topeka Daily Capitol – President Eisenhower Funeral, TDC – The Disastrous Flood of 1951; Old Wichita Metro Polita Map & Environs; old picture of Bremen State Bank.; set of Blue Glass bowls; a darning set; different Carnival glass; oval dish/hat pin holder/jewelry cups; Bavaria plate; Labell China oval plate; Green ovenware (Fire King); Lots of Bremen Advertising items; Antique trunk - leather handles (good shape); old Bingo game; set of 91 Dominoes in case; wood block puzzles; old coffee kettle; old Linstrom Gold Star Pinball game; Antique meat grinder; KK10 Keen Kutter meat grinder; old lard press; old oil cans; Model 910 Hanson 10 lb. hanging scale; 24 lb. Family scale (Pelouze Mfg Co.); Toledo table scale; Louden Junior Hay Trolly 9/8/1903; 3 walk behind plows (horse drawn); old wash tub with handles; old hand seeder; Skylar masticator; Dr. Rinhardt Handy Hog Holder Pat. 1931; old calf puller; McCormick IH cream separator; McCormick Deering 2 gal lye solution crock jar on board.; Antique seeder (chain driven); 46” hand saw; 1 person cross cut saw; wood box (LCN Door Company); other misc. wood boxes; lots of misc. antique tools; old saws and cutters; double handle hay scythe; Vintage hay knife; Antique hand beater; National Washboard Co #860; Wardway washboard; Tobacco Tins; Luther hand crank sharpening stone; old hand mist sprayer; old hand juice press; (2) 1 ½” barn beam drills; metal step stool; Maytag wringer washing machine; Bailey #4 drill press; hand scythe; The Concordia Egg Tester July 7, 1909; Disston Philadelphia hand saw; Fullerton Apple pitter; #12 water can; #10 water can; Paxton & Gallagher Apricot Box; apple basket; boiler can; Lg Kettle DR Sperry & Co; several 25 qt & 13 qt cream cans; old Dempster water well pump jack; #1 & #2 calf feeding bucket; Dazey churn #4 butter churn paddle (no jar); 1957 Rand McNally atlas; burlap feed & seed sacks; Montgomery Ward sewing machine in cabinet; old china hutch; broiler with lid; Vintage 3-tine garden claw (handle is broke); old Buckboard wagon seat; IH #2344 corn sheller; McCormick Threshing Machine; New Holland 717 Super 2 row silage cutter; Antique horse drawn walk behind seeder (steel wheels); 4 wire gates; several piles of misc. lumber; 4 gal Red Wing crock (cracked); 2 gal crock; 3-gal crock; 20 gal Red Wing crock; 8 gal Red Wing crock w/handles (crack in bottom); Prell Mercantile Co., Bremen, KS ½-gal crock; old handle crock jug with cork; 1 gal crock jug (flea bite on top); 2 large mouth gal crocks; lots of old harness parts; old high back saddle; Large grinding stone w/seat (stone is damaged); Regal #55 F&N push lawn mower (Richards & Conover Hdw Co.); 1 gal largemouth jars; 7 oz bottle from Hanover Bottling WKS; Lots of canning jars (1/2-gal, qt, pint, Atlas, Kerr, Ball, square, snap on, Kaz vaporizer jar, antique candy jar, glass water jar for use with GE refrigerator); old Richardson Conover Howe #2 Air Pilot camping lantern; Elgin kerosene lantern; #2 & #3 Brookdale Iron Co. sad Irons; asbestos sad irons. Selling for the MARVIN BECKMANN ESTATE