
Land Auction - Wolters Auction and Realty

Wolters Auction and Realty

Land Auction

Friday, February 21st, 2025 at 2:00 PM - Osborne, KS
- 1828 Acres of Osborne County Farm and Grassland
for The Harold Weigert Trust.
A Deer Hunting Paradise as well as an Excellent Cattle Ranch Opportunity!
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A DEER HUNTING PARADISE as well as an EXCELLENT CATTLE RANCH OPPORTUNITY! To be sold following the real estate: Continuous Fencing – 30 Panels Barb Wire – 15 Rolls 5 ½ & 6’ Steel Posts (some new) TRACT I General Description: Approximately 240 Acres of which approx. 80.38 acres tillable, balance being creek and grassland. There are approx. 87.27 acres broke. Legal Description: NW4 & W2 x NE4 L R/W 15-9-12 Osborne Co.,KS TRACT II General Description: Approximately 723 Acres of which approx. 151 acres being tillable and approx. 572 acres grass, balance being grass and farmstead. The farm site has a 50’x80’ Metal building built in 1981 w/ concrete floor. This tract has a nice set of corrals enclosed by continuous fencing and a loading chute. 160’ of concrete C bunks on concrete slab & 176’ of concrete C bunks on a slab. It also has an old house located on the property. Legal Description: SW4 & W2 x SE4 15-9-12 & SE4 16-9-12 & E2 x E2x NE4 20-9-12 & NW4 & W2 x NE4 21-9-12 & NW4 x NE4 & 430’ NE4xNW4 22-9-12 Osborne Co., KS. TRACT III (Combination of TRACT I and II) The bids on these tracts will be held and a $5 per acre times 963 addition will be required to bid on combined tracts. General Description: Approximately 963 Total Acres with approx. 238 acres being cropland and balance being grass and farmstead. Taxes: For Tract I & II – $6,673.90 TRACT IV General Description: Approximately 666.72 Acres of Grassland. This tract has excellent fences and is watered by ponds.. Legal Description: N2 & N2 x S2 & SW4 x SW4 24-9-12 & E2 x E2 23-9-12 Osborne Co.,KS Taxes: $1811 TRACT V General Description: Approximately 197.36 Acres of Grassland. This tract has excellent fences and is watered by ponds. Legal Description: SW4 & SE4 x NW4 13-9-12 Osborne Co., KS. Taxes: $467.34 THE FOLLOWING PERTAIN TO ALL TRACTS: Bases on all tracts: Wht. 106.60 PLC Yield 44 Milo 57.40 PLC Yield 81 Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance due upon closing and receipt of marketable title. Certified funds will be required at closing. Taxes: 2024 and previous Taxes paid by the Seller. 2025 and subsequent taxes to be paid by the Buyer Mineral Rights: Are believed to be intact and will sell with the property Title Insurance: ½ to be paid by the Seller and ½ paid by the Buyer Closing Date: On or before March 21, 2025 Possession: Upon closing and receipt of a marketable title as evidenced by Title Insurance. Escrow Agent: Gregory Abstract and Title Co. Osborne, KS. All information was obtained from the Osborne Co. Courthouse and Farm Service Agency Office and is believed to be correct and true, however, neither the Seller nor the auction co. make any guarantees expressed or implied, Prospective Buyers are to make themselves aware as to the boundaries, easements, right of ways, etc. concerning the property. Wolters Auction, Jim Wolters, broker is the agent for the Seller and the Seller only. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

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