1. 2 sling shots, visor clips & 3 pairs glasses. 2. Assorted shooting glasses: 3 Mossy Oak sets, Wiley X glasses, 1 pair safety glasses & 3 packs insect repellant 3. Assorted Otis Military Issue Buttstock cleaning kits: 2 – M16, 4 – 5.56mm 4. 2 Secure-It security boxes 5. Assorted archery accessories 6. 2 Secure-It security boxes 7. Asst. gun cleaning kits – Rifle & Black Powder 8. Asst. gun cleaning kits – handgun 9. 8 scope extenders + 5 pks. Self-adhesive targets 10. Assorted belts 11. Ammo belts 12. M14 bipods with extender 13. 5 pairs hearing protectors 14. Assorted Accessories: scope covers, glasses, speedloader, 2 pistol grips and assorted SnapCaps 15. Miscellaneous items: Sig Sauer paddle holster, ankle holster, targets and grip 16. Assorted “Clip-Draw” holster-less carry 17. Assorted accessories: Tri-vertible holsters, gun socks, pistol grip, Model 81 forend, but stock cover 18. Shooters rests 19. 4 M14 bipods 20. Assorted accessories: speedloaders, deleading wool, SnapCaps 21. 4 M14 bipods 22. Assorted accessories: Ruger Blackhawk “eagle grips”, Pachmayr medium slip-on butt stock cover, small grips 23. Assorted grips, ScopLevel and SnapCaps 24. Assorted holsters: 2 - Ernie Hill Speed Leather, Bianchi leather holsters 25. Assorted accessories: flip open scope covers, U-View flex loader, SnapCaps, batteries 26. Assorted holsters and butt stock cover 27. Assorted scopes: Tasco 4 x 15; Bushnell 4x; and JC Higgins 4 x 15 28. Assorted holsters 29. Assorted holsters 30. Assorted small holsters 31. Assorted accessories: shell deflectors, pistol grips, slug plugs, SnapCaps 32. Assorted holsters: Glock paddle holster; Colt 5” 1911; Uncle Mike’s – fits Ruger and S&W 33. 5 bipods 34. Assorted holsters 35. Assorted accessories: SnapCaps, shooting glasses, Packmayr grips, flip-open scope cover, Hogue grips 36. Assorted holsters 37. Assorted accessories: scope covers, LR626 batteries, SnapCaps, speedloaders 38. Assorted accessories: SnapCaps, flip-open scope covers, Hogue monogrip 39. Shell holders & belt, butt stock cover 40. 5 assorted holsters 41. Pro-Mag drum 42. Assorted accessories: SnapCaps, Hogue monogrip, flip-open scope covers, Ruger grips 43. 5 Ruger 10-22 magazines 44. Assorted accessories: 3 grips, flip-open scope covers, batteries (#2032), speedloaders, slug plug 45. 4 Glock magazines 46. 4 Glock 21 magazines 47. 9 AR-15 magazines 48. Assorted holsters 49. Assorted holsters 50. Magpul AR-15/M16 precision rifle stock 51. Assorted grips 52. 3 holsters 53. 10 5.56mm cal magazines 54. Assorted accessories: grips, flip-open scope cover, SnapCaps, shooting glasses 55. 2 scope mounts and butt stock 56. Magpul AR-15/M16 precision rifle stock 57. 4 assorted holsters 58. 4 assorted holsters 59. “Repack Kits” (4): strippers, canvas and cardboard 60. Leather gun belts 61. 5 small holsters and Glock 36 Plus One extension 62. 4 Olympic Arms .45 ACP mags 63. Assorted holsters (4) 64. Ruger 1911 8-round magazines (4) 65. 2 cylinders - unknown caliber 66. HK91 .308 cal magazines (5) 67. Miscellaneous magazines (6) 68. Assorted AR-15 gun parts: carry handle, tri-rail, butt plates 69. DeSantis Gunhide holsters (4) 70. HK91 .308 cal magazines (5) 71. AR-15 magazines (8) 72. M1 Garand Enbloc clips 73. M1 magazines (6) 74. M14 clips (9) 75. Assorted gun parts 76. .45 cal submachine gun magazines in USMC pouch (3) and .45 ACP drum 77. Butt stock and buffer 78. Olympic Arms 22-250 magazines (6) 79. AR-15 magazines (8) 80. M14 magazines (10) 81. Assorted Magpul magazines (6) 82. AR-15 parts 83. 2 rifle stocks 84. Assorted M1 carbine magazines 85. Ciener Atchisson .22 caliber conversion kit – partial – not complete 86. M1 carbine “Snow Camo” furniture kit 87. Assorted AR-15 magazines (10) 88. Assorted M1 magazines (9) – 2 stamped “US” 89. Miscellaneous Glock magazines 90. Assorted gun parts 91. 8 – 5.56mm magazines 92. Mossy Oak Remington 870 stock & receiver 93. Gun stock & receiver – unknown make/model 94. Daewoo gun stock 95. M14 magazines (11) 96. Olympic Arms 45ACP magazines (4) 97. Tommy Gun stock 98. Assorted sight rings and miscellaneous 99. 1911 45 auto magazines and leather belt pouch 100. 5 leather holsters 101. 4 soft gun cases 102. 4 soft gun cases 103. 4 soft gun cases 104. Tac Force soft gun case 105. 4 soft gun cases 106. 4 soft gun cases 107. 4 soft gun cases 108. 5 soft gun cases 109. 7 assorted handgun cases 110. 4 soft gun cases and gun socks 111. 6 long gun cases 112. Sporting Clay: full case Champion (107) + partial box (46); 90 Remington and partial box White Flyer (75) 113. Bustible Bullseye self-hanging targets NRA of America – 1 full box + partial (50) 114. 2 Rifle bench rests, ADG Sports and Mountain Meadow Enterprises (wooden) 115. Winchester wooden ammo box w/asst. books: 5 Time-Life “Old West” books, Foxfire set volumes 1-6, miscellaneous 116. gunsmithing books Vintage Rangematic Distance Finder plus 2 BSA RD30 30mm red dot sights with 5/8” Weaver mount 117. Misc. accessories: Competition Electronics, Inc. PocketPro shot timer; Hornady GS-350 digital scale; asst. scope covers 118. Misc. sight accessories: UTG SKS Tactical Profile picatinny mount; scope mount rings; Daisy electronic point sight; NVG 119. Night Lens; M1 front flip sight for gas block LaserAim grip sight 120. Asst. scope/sight: Tasco RedDot 1x30mm rifle scope, LaserAim LA 3X Dual dot electronic red dot sight and laser sight 121. in one SiteLite SL50 laser bore sighter with original box and instructional VCR tape 122. BeamShot laser with extra mounts in case 123. Surefire X300 Ultra LED Weaponlight 124. Surefire Scout Light A05274 125. Springfield Armory 4-14x40 tactical scope, Gov’t model, 5.56mm 126. Springfield Armory 4-14x56, Gov’t model scope, 1st generation 127. Zenit IR-2 3-8 night vision scope 128. Tasco scopes: 2.5 x 20 shotgun scope; Mag IV 50 W4—16x50; ProPoint 1x30mm fixed magnification, red dot sight 129. LaserLyte rear sight laser – 1911 Novak 130. Burris Fastfire 4 MOA red dot reflex sight 131. LaserLyte rear sight laser – Glock 132. Asst. accessories: NC Star 4x30 scope/mount combo; Simmons pistol scope 2x20; Garmin Etrex 12-channel GPS 133. Eurolux 2.5-10x56 Triplex scope 134. Springfield Armory 6x40 Gov’t scope, Rangefinder reticle, 700 meters 7.52 mm 135. SWAT 6-24x60 IR scope with extender 136. Tasco MAG 6-24x40 scope, adjustable objective 137. Burris 2-1/2X-7X scope 138. BSA BoreSighter scope alignment device 139. ZOOM 20-60 power spotting scope 140. 12 leather holsters + 6 leather ammo pouches 141. Hand crank ammo tumbler 142. Reloading accessories: RCBS beam scale, digital scale, powder measure (not for black powder), reloading press 143. Lynx Universal case trimmer 144. Dillon 1200 case trimmer model V03345ACB1 145. Dillon Precision reloading machine 146. Assorted reloading accessories: Redding reloading dies (223REM), RCBS case loading block, Hornady dies (223REM), 147. imperial sizing die was, bt mold Lee lead melter, .223 stripper cases (600), assorted brass 148. Assorted black powder: Approx 20 pounds total; 6 – 1 lb. Hercules cans are unopened CANNOT SHIP – PICK UP OR 149. ONSITE ONLY Assorted bullets for reloading (approx. 1800+): 100-32 cal; 200-38 spc WC; 100-38 spc HP; 600-.243; 100-.270; 400 150. -30-30; and 300 .410 Assorted reloading/miscellaneous supplies plus 13 assorted ball/bullet mold tools 151. 10 bottles assorted Hodgon powder CANNOT SHIP – PICK UP OR ONSITE ONLY 152. Assorted 1 lb. cans black Powder: 9-FF, 4-FFF and 8-Pyrodex CANNOT SHIP – PICK UP OR ONSITE ONLY 153. 8 partial bottles Hodgon powder CANNOT SHIP – PICK UP OR ONSITE ONLY 154. Black powder reloading/shooting box: 45 and 50 caliber ball molds, powder measure, ball starters, nipple wrench, 155. lead ball, and cleaning supplies Black powder reloading/shooting box: 54 caliber ball molds, powder measure, ball starters, nipple wrench, lead ball, 156. and cleaning supplies 15 Orion PlasTcap safety flares CANNOT SHIP – PICK UP OR ONSITE ONLY 157. 7 boxes vintage primers – Remington and Winchester 158. 2 boxes Fusee flares, 1 full (45) + 1 partial (33) 159. Mixed brass: 38 special, .45 auto, some .357 mag, and 7 mm 160. Over 75 Vintage black powder tins 161. 10 rds. 50 cal BMG; 4 dummy rounds 162. 7 barrels & partial guns 163. 23 Assorted Reloading dies: most RCBS – 222REM; 223REM (2);220 Swift; 270 WBY; 284 WIN; 348 WIN; 375 Scovill; 416 WBY; 6.5x55; 7mm REM, 7mm WIN; 7.5mm MAS; 8mm REM (2), 8mm-06; 454 Casull; 35 Whelan; 38-40; 38-45; 164. 357 cal Herrett; 45 WIN; 45/70 Lead balls for black powder 165. 8 bx (1500 ea) Fiocchi small pistol primers in wood box – CANNOT SHIP PICKUP OR ONSITE ONLY 166. 8 bx (1500 ea) Fiocchi small pistol primers in wood box – CANNOT SHIP PICKUP OR ONSITE ONLY 167. 8 bx (1500 ea) Fiocchi large rifle NIK primers in wood box – CANNOT SHIP PICKUP OR ONSITE ONLY 168. Vintage gun parts & accessories 169. Reloading blocks 170. Lyman Mouldmaster lead melting pot, ingot mold & 24 ingots lead – PICKUP OR ONSITE ONLY – TOO HEAVY TO SHIP 171. Browning Citori Combo Trap Gun Case 172. --- 173. TBD – scope mounts, parts 174. Tannerite Rifle Targets – includes catalyst, container & instructional video. 2 unopened cases (20 half pound targets each) + partial box (14) CANNOT SHIP ONSITE OR PICKUP ONLY 175. HOMAK Security locking metal gun cabinet w/keys. BUYER MUST ARRANGE OWN SHIPPING IF NOT ONSITE OR PICKING UP. 55” h x 21” w x 10” d 176. HOMAK Security locking metal gun cabinet w/keys. BUYER MUST ARRANGE OWN SHIPPING IF NOT ONSITE OR PICKING UP. 18” h x 21” w x 10” d 177. 36” lake trout (?) mount 178. Assorted .308 WIN ammunition: 3 bxs (20 rd ea) + 18 Federal Power Shot 150 gr.; 1 bx (20) Winchester Super X 180 gr. 179. 2 bxs (20 ea) Wolf .223 REM cal ammunition 55 gr. Copper FMJ steel case 201. 2 bxs (20 ea) Federal 300 WIN magnum caliber 180 gr Speer Hot-Cor SP 202. 10 bx (555 ea) Winchester 22LR rimfire 36 gr PHP in unopened box 203. Asst. 12 ga shells: 2 bx (25 ea) Remington Game Loads 2-3/4”, 8 shot; 2 bx (25 ea) Federal Field & Target 2-3/4”, 8 shot; 2 bx (25 ea) Winchester Universal 2-3/4”, 8 shot; 2 bx (25 ea) Federal Field & Target 2-3/4” 7-1/2 shot; 1 bx (25) Winchester SuperX 2-3/4”, 4 lead shot; 1 bx (25) Remington Game Loads 2-3/4”, 7-1/2 shot 204. 7 bxs (50 ea) Armscor 9mm 124 gr, FMJ + 1 partial bx (27) 9mm Luger, 115 gr FMJ 205. .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition: 4 bx (25 ea) Remington Gold Saber .40 S&W, 165 gr, brass JHP; 35 Winchester .40 S&W, 180 gr, BEB 206. 5 bx (100 ea) CCI CB22 Short 29 gr LRN 207. 10 bx (50 ea) CCI 22WRF, 45 gr, HP 208. Assorted 17 HMR ammunition: 2 bx (50 ea) Federal Premium 17 gr polymer tip; 1 bx (50 ea) CCI TNT 17 gr JHP; 1 bx (50ea) Winchester 17 gr, polymer tip 209. Assorted .357 ammunition: 8 bx (50 ea) Winchester 125 gr FMJ; 1 bx (50 ea) MagTech .357 magnum 158 gr, L-Flat (357L) 210. 10 bx (555 ea) Winchester 22LR 36 gr PHP 211. 3 bx (20 ea) Winchester .350 Legend 150 gr Extreme Point 212. 2 bx (20 ea) + 10 Winchester .556 55 gr 213. 1 bx (50 ea) Winchester 40 S&W, 180 gr JHP 214. Assorted 22LR ammunition: 7 bx (525 ea) Winchester Western 36 gr PHP; 2 bx (500 ea) Remington Thunderbolt 215. 15 bxs (50 ea) Winchester .30 Carbine 110 gr FMJ 216. Assorted loose ammunition – Brass, .22’s, .243 Winchester, 38 spc., 9 mm 217. 7 bxs (50 ea) Federal .22LR Bird Shot, 25 gr, #12 lead shot 218. 90 rds M-1 Carbine rounds on strippers 219. 6 bxs (325 ea) Federal .22LR, 40 gr, solid 220. 200 rds, .308 cal ammunition 221. Assorted .45 ammunition: 7 bxs (50 ea) American Eagle 45 auto, 230 gr, FMJ; 1 bx (50 ea) Blazer .45 Colt Centerfire, 200 gr, JHP; 30 Underwood Ammunition .45 WIN mag 250 gr. XTP JHP + 19 brass 222. Assorted .22 LR ammunition: 26 bxs (50 ea) + 11 Aguila Super Extra, 40 gr.; 1 bx (100 ea) Federal, 40 gr, solid; 1 bx (100 ea) Federal copper-plated, 82 CCI Stinger, 32 gr, CPHP 223. Assorted shotgun shells: 17 Federal 10 ga 3-1/2”, 2 shot; 13 Federal 12 ga 2-3/4”, 7-1/2 shot; 4 Winchester SuperX 12 ga 2-3/4”, 1 oz Sabot slugs; 7 misc. 12 ga shells 224. Portuguese Battle Packs – 200 rds 7.52 x 51 mm ball 225. 10 bxs (555 ea) Winchester 22 LR 36 gr PHP (in unopened box) 226. RELOADS & REMANUFACTURED: 32 - J & B Cartridge remanufactured .45 auto; 99 - Rangemaster Ammunition remanufactured; .203 REM 55 gr SP; 5 - 12 ga 7-1/2 shot reloads 227. 2 bxs (20 ea) Hornady 6 mm REM 95 gr SST 228. Assorted .38 special ammunition: 3 bxs (50 ea) Winchester 130 gr FMJ; 4 bxs (50 ea) MagTech 158 gr LRN + 35 brass; 1 bx (20) Pow’r Ball 38 spl + P 100 gr 229. 9 bxs (555 ea) Winchester 22LR 36 gr 230. 8 bxs (50 ea) Aguila .30 carbine 110 gr FMJ 231. Assorted .308 auto ammunition: 10 bxs (50 ea) Blazer 95 gr TMJ; 9 bxs (50 ea) American Eagle 95 gr FMJ; 3 bxs (50 ea) American Eagle 95 gr FMC; 2 bxs (50 ea) PRVI Partizan 94 gr FMJ; 50 rds Winchester 95 gr FMJ 232. 10 bxs (555 ea) Winchester 22 LR 36 gr PHP 233. Assorted .25 auto ammunition: 12 bxs (50 ea) + 38 Winchester 50 gr FMJ; 45 rds Remington 50 gr 234. 10 bxs (333 ea) Winchester 22 LR 36 gr PHP 235. Assorted 20 ga shells: 3 bxs (150 total) Federal 2-1/2”, 7-1/2 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Federal 2-3/4”, 6 shot lead; 2 bxs (25 ea) Winchester 2-3/4”, 7-1/2 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Remington 2-3/4”, 7-1/2 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Remington 2-3/4”, 8 shot; 236. 2 bxs (25 ea) Federal 2-3/4”, 6 shot Assorted 22 LR: 8 bxs (325 ea) + 93 Federal 40 gr solid; 3 bxs (333 ea) Winchester 36 gr HPCP 237. Assorted ammunitions: 20 rds Independence .380 auto 90 gr FMJ; 1 bx (20 ea) Winchester .222 REM 50 gr PSP; 18 rds Ultra Max .50 S&W 325 gr FPS; 55 rds Rem 22LR Yellow Jacket HP; 48 rds Enforcer 10 mm; 21 rds .223; 6 rds .38; 6 rds 238. .357; 2 rds .308 WIN; 18 rds CCI 45 auto; 19 rds Winchester .270 WIN 138 gr; 20 rds .35 REM; <100 BB’s 3 bxs (500 ea) Aguila 22LR Super Extra CP 239. 6 – (20 ea) .45 cal Gov’t reloading rifle ball cartridges 240. Assorted 12 ga. Shells: 3 bxs (25 ea) Western Xpert 2-3/4 8 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Alcan 2-3/4 8 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Winchester Dove & Quail 2-3/4 8 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Remington Mohawk Field Load, 2-3/4 8 shot; 3 bxs (25 ea) 241. Federal Game Load Ammo box of assorted 22 short caliber: 3 bxs (500 ea) Western T22; 1 bx (500) Western Expert 242. Lake City Ordnance Plant .30 match caliber ammo, 9 bxs (20 ea) 173 rd; 7 bxs (20 ea) Ball M2 – in ammo can 243. Assorted 30-06 ammo: 4 bxs (20 ea) Remington 150 gr, CoreLokt PSP; 1 bx (20 ea) Peters 180 gr Protected point 244. expanding bullet; 2 bx (20 ea) Federal 180 gr SP Hi-Shok; 1 bx (10) S&W Ammo Co. 180 gr SP Assorted 22LR caliber ammo: 4 bxs (500 ea) Remington HiSpeed Kleanbore; 2 bxs (500 ea) Mohawk Hi Speed; 1 bx 245. (500 ea) Remington Yellow Jacket Hyper Velocity HP; 1 bx (500 ea) Blazer High Velocity Assorted 16 ga shells: 1 bx (25) Remington 2-3/4 Magnum Express; 1 bx (25) Federal Field Load 2-3/4” 7 shot; 5 bxs (25 ea) Federal 2-3/4 4 shot; 1 bx (25) Federal 2-3/4 5 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Alcan 2-3/4” 6 shot; 20 ct Winchester 246. Duck/Pheasant 2-3/4” 6 shot; 16 ct. Remington 2-3/4” 4 shot Assorted 22LR caliber ammo: 3 bxs (500 ea) Canuck; 2 bxs (500Federal Power Elite; 1 bx (500) Sovereign Tiger Cat; 247. 7 bxs (500 ea) Peters Ammo can of Assorted .45 Auto Ammo: 5 bxs (50 ea) Remington 185 gr & 2 bxs (50 ea) 230 gr; 2 bxs (50 ea) 4-1/2 248. Bullseye Load; 1 bx (50) RA-63; 46 ct. Federal 1000 bxs (20 ea) Winchester 5.56mm 55 gr FMJ 249. Assorted Repackaged 22 LR ammo: 666 Winchester 36 gr; 625 Remington Golden Bullet 36 gr; 2500 American Eagle; 250. 650 Federal 40 gr 541 rounds repackaged 30 carbine – 1 bx (50) Winchester 110 gr FMJ; 1 bx (50) PPU 110 gr SPRN; 1 B X (50) Aguila 110 251. gr FMJ 5.56 Ammo: 10 bags (50) Green tip; 15 bxs (20 ea) 55 gr FMJ 252. Assorted 270 WIN caliber ammo: 4 bxs (20 ea) Winchester 150 gr SP; 20 ct. 12 gr Unique; 5 bxs (20 ea) Western 253. SuperX 130 gr SP; 1 bx (20) Federal 130 gr Hi Shok SP; 2 bxs (20 ea) Peters 150 gr Inner-belted SP Assorted 16 ga shells: 10 bxs Alcan (Brass is split); 3 bxs (25 ea) Federal game loads 2-3/4 6 shot; 45 ct. Remington 254. Express 2-3/4 6 shot; 8 ct. Revelation 6 shot; 13 bxs (25 ea) Federal 6 shot Assorted 12 ga shells: 9 bxs (5 ea) Federal 2-3/4 6 shot; 1 bx (25) Remington Kleanbore Nitro Express 00B; 16 ct. asst. 00B; 1 bx (25) Western SuperX 2 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Remington 4 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Remington 5 shot; 1 bx (25) 255. Federal 5 shot; 2 bxs (25 ea) Federal 8 shot; 1 bx (25) Remington Kleanbore 8 shot Assorted 22LR: 4 bxs (555 ea) 36 gr HPCP; 2 bxs (525 ea) Federal 36 gr CPHP; 2 bxs (225 ea) + 129 Remington Golden 256. Bullet 40 gr; approx. 200 Remington Thunderbolt 40 gr; 3 bxs (325 ea) Federal 40 gr; 2 bxs (375 ea) CCI 40 gr CPRN Assorted 38 Special ammo: 7 bxs (50 ea) Western midrange match 148 gr lead; 2 bxs (50 ea) + 9 Winchester midrange match 148 gr; 2 bxs (50 ea) Peters Police Match 148 gr wad cutter; 1 bx (50) Peters Police Service 158 gr lead; 2 bxs (50 ea) Remington TargetMaster 148 gr wadcutter; 1 bx (50) Remington Kleanbore Police Service 158 gr lead; 1 bx 257. (50) Western Super Match Assorted 30 carbine ammo in box: 3 bxs (50 ea) Winchester 110 gr HSP; 1 bx (50) Lake City Ordnance Plant + 20 in clips 258. 50 Vintage Remington 38-40 WIN 180 gr, SP 259. 2 bx (20 ea) Hornady 454 Casull 240 gr XTP Mag 260. Assorted Vintage 22 LR Ammo: 2 bxs (500 ea) Western Xpert 40 gr; 2 bxs (500 ea) S&W Ammunition Co; 1 full bx (500) plus 450 Eley TENEX; 1 bx (500) Monark Cartridges; 1 bx (500) Peters Rustless Target; 3 bxs (500 ea) Winchester 261. Western Wildcat Ammo box with .30M2 cal ammo 20 bxs (20 ea) Lake City Armory Plant 262. Ammo box of 30-30 ammunition: 2 bxs (20 ea) Winchester “Bicentennial 76” 158 gr silvertip; 2 bxs (20 ea) Winchester 263. Wells Fargo & Co 150 gr silvertip; 1 bx (20) Winchester Antlered Game 170 gr Assorted 22 LR – 94 bxs (50 ea) 4 Eley Club; 11 Remington Thunderbolt; 3 Peters; 76 Remington 264. Assorted 38 special- 7 bx (50 ea) Western SuperMatch 148 gr; 2 bx (50 ea) Peters; 2 bx (50 ea) Star Reloading Co. 265. RELOADS Assorted 41 & 44 mag caliber ammo – 1 bx (50) Federal 180 gr JHP; 1 bx (50) Remington 240 gr lead gas check; 1 bx (50) Win SuperX 41 Rem Mag 210m gr, JSP 266. 5 bx (500 ea) Remington 22 Thunderbolt 22 LR Hi Speed 267. Assorted 243 WIN ammo – 2 bx (20 ea) Remington 100 gr PSP; 2 bs (20 ea) WIN 100 gr soft point; 2 bx (20 ea) Win 268. Super X 80b gr PSP 3 Ammo cans 7.62 ammo – 2 full cans 7.62 FMJ; 120 rds Aussie 7.62 ball 269. Approximately 1800 rds 223 cal ammunition – In ammo can 270. Approximately 1500 rds 223 cal ammunition -in ammo can 271. 10 bx 30-30 WIN commemorative ammunition in ammo can 272. 11 bx (25 ea) 20 ga ammo in amm can 273. Assorted 38 special – 3 ammo cans full + 1 ammo can of reloads 274. Assorted 22 LR - 6 bx (500 ea) + 50 in ammo can 275. Assorted caliber loose vintage ammo in ammo can 276. 1650 rds assorted 22 Short caliber in ammo can 277. 4600 rds assorted 22 LR in ammo can 278. 6 bx (20 ea) armor piercing 30-06/M2 - Denver Ordnance Plant 400. ELDON COURTNEY KNIVES – information only – Extensive collection of over 25 handmade, signed and numbered knives from Wichita, Kan., custom knife maker, Eldon Courtney. Mr. Courtney passed away in 2011. All his knives (and 401. some sheaths) are signed by the maker. Numbers refer to the sequence and year made. Eldon Courtney Knife #74-3 in signed sheath, with giraffe bone handle 402. Eldon Courtney Knife #106-90 403. Eldon Courtney Knife #1-060-9 404. Eldon Courtney Knife #12-94 Purple 405. Eldon Courtney Knife #77-87 in numbered sheath 406. Eldon Courtney Knife 1-033-7 in sheath 407. Eldon Courtney Knife #2-97 Red – in sheath 408. Eldon Courtney Knife #19-88 409. Eldon Courtney Knife #79-89 in signed sheath 410. Eldon Courtney Knife #8-20-0 in sheath 411. Eldon Courtney Knife #20-91 Bowie knife 412. Eldon Courtney Knife #26-87 in signed sheath 413. Eldon Courtney Knife #61-87 in scabbard 414. Eldon Courtney Knife #1-1990 in sheath 415. Eldon Courtney Knife #8-101-1 416. Eldon Courtney Knife #63-90 in sheath 417. Eldon Courtney Knife #5-92 418. Eldon Courtney Knife #81-92 419. Eldon Courtney Knife #29-93 420. Eldon Courtney Knife #30-3 bear engraving on butt 421. Eldon Courtney Knife #1-88 in signed and numbered sheath 422. Eldon Courtney Knife #27-88 in sheath 423. Eldon Courtney Knife #17-97 in signed and numbered sheath 424. Eldon Courtney Knife #86-90 in signed and numbered sheath 425. Eldon Courtney Knife #81-86 in signed and numbered sheath 426. Eldon Courtney Knife #70-5 in signed and numbered sheath 427. Eldon Courtney Knife #50-94 in signed and numbered deerskin sheath 428. Eldon Courtney Knife #16-91 in scabbard 429. 6 Assorted folding knives: Bigby’s mother-of-pearl handle, AlMar Seki-Japan; Pardue (013) ivory-colored handle; Griffin 430. green handle; Ray Cover ATS-34; Ray Cover ATS-34; Jeff cover Custom Western Bowie Knife in sheath with box 431. Wagaman Bowie Knife, custom, antler handle 432. Queen Steel #399 fixed blade knife “The Original Moose Skinner” in sheath 433. Dagger in sheath 434. Assorted Knives: Kershaw Ken Onion 1550, 1st Edition Case Collectors Club 1987 (#1827); Case Collectors Club 1982 – 2 blades (#3167); Clint fixed blade; Marble’s folding; Western 062 folding; Bridwell hunting; Z McCarty 435. Assorted Knives: Outdoor Edge Wild Guide knife set; Buck Steelmaster model 137 sharpener with pouch in original 436. box; Gerber multi-tool in pouch; vintage Colt CT7-B Serengeti; Seki-Japan Guthook/skinner fixed-blade 2 Bayonets, Imperial M6 with M8 A1 sheath, M7 with M8 A1 sheath 437. Assorted Knives: Queen Steel #399 Gamekeeper Moose Skinner; homemade knife, bone-handled, in sheath 438. Cold Steel Carbon V Bowie Knife 439. Assorted knives/bayonet/saber (hilt broken), pilot survival knife 440. Assorted knives: Recon Tanto in sheath (missing pommel); Recon Tanto in sheath; Buck 620 in sheath 441. Assorted knives: Western Bowie in sheath; Silver Stag; Gerber diving; Kershaw amphibian; Kershaw Blue Scallion 442. Assorted knives: CRKT crimson trace picatinny tool; Kershaw folding,; Swiss Army 443. knife; Assorted knives: SOG Mini Aegis; Boker Plus 46312 in box; Buck Steelmaster sharpener; 3-bladed Uncle Henry multi- 444. tool Rambo III Bowie and small fixed-blade knives 445. 2 steel sharpeners 446. Assorted knives: Falcon filet knife in Marttiini sheath; 2 British commando knives in sheaths, 1 with box; Gerber 447. Mark II Assorted knives: Gerber Blackie Collins; Kershaw 1620ST; Buck Rush Platinum; mini-Swiss army, 1 mini black, 1 mini white; Leatherman Fuse multi-tool; Kershaw Chive; CRKT Ed Halligan M.D.P. STIFF; K.I.S.S. Engineered Fixed Blade knife 448. with sheath 2360; Cold Steel – The Spike 2 - Limited Edition NRA knives with display and NRA gun knife 449. Assorted custom knives: Kalfayan folding knife; D. Arvel knife; Jeff Cover Damascus blade, R. Cover folding knife 450. Large Iraqi knife & curved sword 451. 2 bayonets 452. Pilot survival knife 453. Custom made bowie knife 454. Rambo First Blood – Part 2 knife 455. 4 Victorinox Swiss Army knives – assorted sizes 456. Assorted knives – 2 Vintage Sabre clear handle fruit knives; 2 pocketknives 457. 5 – straight edge razors 458. 9 – Assorted pocketknives 459. Assorted pocketknives – 2 Buck, 2 Old timer, 1 Craftsman 50 yr commemorative 460. 8 Assorted pocketknives 461. 3 military knives 462. 2 antique bayonets 463. 5 Vintage powder horns 464. 5 Vintage powder flasks 465. World War II pommel saddle bag stamped "J.Q.M.D. 1942 US" 466. Vintage holsters 467. 4 Vintage powder horns 468. 6 Vintage EMPTY black powder cans in wooden Winchester box 501. Olympic Arms mod MFR multi cal semi-auto rifle (2011) with 9mm magazine, ser# CH5417 502. US M1 Carbine .30 cal carbine semi-auto rifle with magazine ser# n/a 503. Winchester mod 24 12-ga SxS shotgun, ser# 107820 504. US M1 Carbine .39 cal carbine semi-auto rifle “Inland Mfg. Div/General Motors 9-48” w/sling &magazine, ser# 4352289 505. Olympic Arms mod MFR multi cal semi-auto rifle (2005) with sling & magazine, ser# SM4822 506. ArmaLite AR-10 243 Win cal s/a rifle w/Springfield Armory 4-14x56 1st Generation Gov’t model scope & magazine, 507. ser# US385308 Winchester mod 94 30-30 WIN cal lever action rifle, ser# 3710000 508. Ruger multi cal semi- auto rifle w/Surefire M910a Picatinny Rail Vertical Foregrip Weaponlight & Bushnell Trophy 509. scope, ser# 07-02576 Olympic Arms mod PCR multi-cal semi-auto rifle w/magazine, ser# BT7560 510. Remington mod 550-1 .22S/L/LR cal semi-auto rifle, ser# n/a 511. US M1 Carbine 30 cal carbine s/a rifle “Inland Mfg Div/General Motors 10-43” with magazine & sling, ser# 2945265 512. DPMS mod A-15 223-5.56 cal semi-auto rifle w/magazine, ser# 2324 513. JC Higgins mod 101.25 .410 ga bolt action shotgun “Sears Roebuck & Co.”, ser# n/a 514. Springfield Armory M6 Scout 22LR/410 ga s/a rifle Combo Takedown (Czech Republic), ser# MC076506 515. Olympic Arms mod PCR .223/5.56 cal semi-auto rifle with bipod & magazine, ser# H3174 516. Winchester mod 97 12 ga pump shotgun, ser# 857433 517. Costa Mesa California Mfg AR-180 5.56mm cal semi-auto rifle with .223/5.56 mm magazine, ser# S3076 518. Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad 7.62 rifle “camo” w/Springfield Armory 4-14x56 Govt model scope, ser# 182753 519. Daewoo model K2 5.56mm cal semi-auto rifle w/magazine, ser# 458573. Cracked grip, has been glued back together 520. Marlin mod 795 22LR cal semi-auto rifle, self-leading carbine w/10 shot clip, micro groove barrel, w/Tasco RF 4x15 521. scope in box, ser# 02250654 NIB Henry H010BWL .45-70 GOVT cal lever action rifle “Wildlife engraved” octagon barrel, ser# FFSBWL0008 NIB 522. Olympic Arms mod PCR 03 multi cal semi-auto rifle w/magazine, ser# SM1333 523. Robinson Armament M96 .223 REM cal semi-auto rifle “Expeditionary Rifle” w/magazine & extra barrel, ser# 524. HP99002268 Sterling England MFG AR180 5.56 cal semi auto rifle w/magazine, ser# S15164 525. Springfield Armory M1A Loaded 308 cal s/a rifle w/magazine NIB, ser# 238488 526. Remington 1100 Classic Field 12 ga s/a shotgun w/mod, full & imp cyl chokes, 28” VR barrel, ser# R268018V 527. Ruger New Vaquero 45 cal single action revolver, ser# 5806768 NIB 528. Springfield Armory XD9 9x19 cal semi-auto pistol w/3 extra clips, ser# US980384 529. Glock mod 36 .45 auto cal semi-auto pistol w/extra mag, ser# DTH442 530. COP Inc Off-duty Police 38 spl/357 mag 4 shot s/a pistol. Compact Off Duty Police model, ser# 018912 LNIB 531. Ruger LC9 9mmx19 semi-auto pistol, ser# 324-05701 532. Springfield Armory XD-45 45 ACP semi-auto pistol w/2 extra magazines & accessories, ser# XD634477 533. Ruger Mark II Target 22LR cal semi-auto pistol, ser# 210-74337 534. V Bernardelli Gardone VT 6.35 semi-auto pistol w/extra extended magazine, ser# 87506 535. Beretta 950 BS .25 cal semi-auto pistol, ser# B075552V 536. Glock mod 26 9x19 cal semi-auto pistol, ser# BZX357 537. Ruger LCP .380 auto cal semi-auto pistol w/Crimson Trace, ser# 371-38911 538. Taurus mod 738TCP .380 ACP semi-auto pistol, in pouch w/extra magazine, ser# 19511B 539. Ruger LC9 9mm cal semi-auto pistol, ser# 320-33336 540. NAA, Inc Cap & Ball Companion mini revolver w/extra cylinder & accessories, ser# U2766 NO ATF REQUIRED 541. OMC BackUp .380 cal 9mm Kurz semi-auto pistol, ser# A04195 542. Colt Vest Pocket .25 cal semi-auto pistol w/holster, ser# 380671 543. Winchester mod 1906 22LR pump action rifle, 2 serial numbers: 435191 & 491909 544. Thompson Center 54 cal blackpowder rifle “Renegade”, ser# 25818 NO ATF REQUIRED 545. Thompson Center 50 cal blackpowder rifle updated with Sharon rifle 33” 50 cal barrel, includes original 29” 45 cal 546. barrel, ser# 109398 NO ATF REQUIRED Springfield mod 1903 30-06 bolt action rifle, US Rock Island Arsenal Co., stock was shortened for transport from 547. Normandy Beach, ser# 408818 J R Johnson 32 cal percussion rifle NO ATF REQUIRED 548. Winchester mod 94 30-30 cal lever action rifle, “Legendary Lawman” 16” barrel, NEVER SHOT – in factory box with 2 549. boxes Legendary Lawman ammo, ser# LL14158 Winchester mod 1897 12 ga pump shotgun, ser# 470530 550. Ithaca hammerless 12 ga double-barrel shotgun, ser# 63841 551. Kentucky long rifle 36 cal, 62” overall length, RESTORATION IN PROGRESS – NO ATF REQUIRED 552. Remington mod 24 22S cal semi-auto rifle Speedmaster Takedown, ser# 89954 553. Winchester mod 1200 20 ga pump shotgun, 2-3/4” chamber with 2 extra chokes, ser# L1123607 554. 1847 J Burge 40 cal percussion Kentucky Long rifle, 55” overall length – Beautiful wood and incredible brass & silver 555. inlays NO ATF REQUIRED Remington mod 11, 12 ga semi-auto shotgun, ser# 375646 556. Steven mod 49 22LR cal single shot target rifle “Schuetzen-style”, ser# 23424 557. Ithaca 45 cal black powder rifle NO ATF REQUIRED 558. Remington mod 241 22S cal semi-auto rifle Speedmaster Takedown, ser# 109179 559. Renkin Bros Liege 16 ga percussion shotgun, double barrel, with “superior laminated steel twisted barrels” with gold 560. Inlays, ser# n/a NO ATF REQUIRED W H Hamilton 12 ga double-barrel shotgun Damascus, “Belgian Twist”, ser# n/a 561. Winchester mod 70 .243 cal bolt action rifle, with Redfield 3x-9x scope, ser# G1147321 562. Moores Patent Firearms 32 cal top pocket revolver National Arms Open Top Pocket, 6 shot, ser# 27492 563. Colt mod 1860 36 cal percussion revolver, frame ser# 151769, barrel ser# 139291, ball stuck in barrel NO ATF 564. REQUIRED Vintage Benjamin Franklin .177 CO2 air pistol, excellent chrome plating, NO ATF REQUIRED 565. Remington 1863 .31 cal pocket revolver nickel plated 5-shot, 3.25” barrel, ser# n/a 566. Original Colt Army 1860 36 cal percussion revolver, very good condition, ser# 98674, NO ATF REQUIRED 567. Manhattan Firearms 36 cal percussion revolver “Navy Type”, 6” hex barrel, engraved scene on cylinder, series #1, 1859, 568. ser# 709, has 8 notches on wood handgrip – wood grip is chipped High Standard mod 102 22LR semi-auto pistol Supermatic Tournament, 10 rd. clip and holster, ser# 993032 569. Iver Johnson hammerless 32 call pocket revolver, 5 shot, 3” barrel, ser# n/a 570. “Protector” 1879 spur-trigger pocket revolver, 5 shot, 2.5” barrel – incomplete gun, missing components 571. Sturm-Ruger Old Army 44 call black powder revolver, stainless steel, includes matching leather holster, in factory box, 572. ser# 145-01062 NO ATF REQUIRED Belgian pocket revolver, folding trigger, 3” barrel, rusty & missing components, ser# n/a 573. Colt National Match 1911 45ACP semi-auto pistol Government model, nickel plated with engraving & gold trim, mfg. 574. 1934, ser# C176125 Remington Rand 1911-A1 Army 45ACP s/a pistol US Military, circa 1942-1943, ser# 1005294 575. Cabela’s Pietta 44 call black powder revolver F.LLI.Pieta, Italy, 1860 Army Lawman in factory box, ser# 50810, NO ATF REQUIRED 576. Interarms Virginia Dragoon 44 magnum revolver, 8-3/8” barrel, in factory box, ser# 21126 577. 1860 fluted Colt 44 cal Army revolver, ser# 107 (1st year of manufacture), fluted cylinder, ser# 2399, with matching 578. holster bearing #105 RARE CVA Kit-made 45 cal “Philadelphia Derringer”, percussion, light stained, ser# 0012342 NO ATF REQUIRED 579. Hawes Firearms Navy mod 36 cal percussion revolver, 5” hex barrel, Italian made, ser# 21833, SCREW MISSING BY 580. TRIGGER - NO ATF REQUIRED Colonial .65 bore flintlock pistol W. Ketland Co. XR Hallmark, 8” barrel, nick maple stock dated 1799 NO ATF REQUIRED 581. Smith & Wesson Chiefs Special 38 spcl revolver, 2” barrel, includes Melvin Tyler trigger & handgrip upgrades, in factory 582. box, ser# 614593 High Standard mod 107 22LR semi-auto pistol Supermatic Tournament, Military Trainer with upgrades by Clark’s 583. Customs, Shreveport, La., in factory box, ser# 1929904 CVA kit-made 45 cal “Philadelphia Derringer”, percussion, dark stained, ser# 043263 NO ATF REQUIRED 584. AMT 1911 “Hardballer” 45ACP semi-auto pistol, stainless steel, walnut grips & colt pearl handle grips in factory box, 585. ser# A06111 Remington “New Model” 44 cal percussion revolver, 8” hex barrel, patented 9/14/1858, ser# 104266 NO ATF 586. REQUIRED Colt Python 357 cal revolver, 4” barrel, includes Melvin Tyler grip upgrade, in factory box, ser# 50250 587. Colt Diamondback 38 spcl revolver, 2” barrel, includes Melvin Tyler trigger & handgrip upgrades, in factory box, ser# 588. D427890 Cased pair Belgian percussion pistols “Liege proof”, 7” hex barrels beautifully preserved mid-19th century in wood case including all loading accessories (dueling pistols?) NO ATF REQUIRED 589. Hexagonal Gun Display Case by Simmons Hardware. Patented 1893, 2-tiered lazy Susan style, well restored with lock & key. In 1922 Winchester & Simmons merged into “The Winchester Simmons CO.” Simmons also owned/distributed Keen Kutter knives & hardware. Over 80” tall x 24” deep; glass panels are each 16”. Cabinet is in two pieces.