Furniture Fire Place Mantel Infrared Electric Heat, Base Frame for King Size Bed, China Hutch, Full Size Comforter Bed Set, 6-Wooden Rockers, 2-Sitting Room Chairs, Corner Desk, Amana Refrigerator-White, LG Washer and Electric Dryer-White, Queen Ann Dining Room Table with Walnut Top and 6 Chairs, Matching Buffet for the Queen Ann Table, 2 Drawer Chest, Cedar Chest, 4 Drawer Dresser with Mirror, Secretarial Desk, Full Size Bed with 2 Dressers, Soda Fountain Stool, Flat Screen 27 Inch Vizio TV, 2-Handkerchief End Tables, Sewing Machine Cabinet, Blond Bed and Dresser, 3 Drawer Dresser, Desk Chair, Quilt Rack, Standing Desk, Piano Bench, Piano Stool with Glass Claw Feet Household & Miscellaneous Dehumidifier-New, Water Distiller, Countertop Ice Maker, Card Table and Chairs, Christmas Decorations, Kitchen Aid Food Processor-New, Misc. Fans and Electric Heaters, 2-Honeywell/Heat Pump/Dehumidifier and AC 110 Volt-New, Large Assortment of Misc Dishes and Kitchen Supplies, Area Rugs, Swin Model 240 Exercise Bike-New, 6 Foot Step Ladder, CD Player, DVD and VHS Player, Handicap Access Ramps, Igloo Dog House, Jewelry Boxes, Cannon Camera with Lens, Floor Safe, Corning Ware, Food Meal, Air Fryer, Mr. Coffee Maker, 8 Qt Crock Pot-New, Black and Decker Bread Maker, Adirondack Chair, Tupperware, Nativity Set-New, Coster Set, Pitcher with Matching Glasses, 3 Sets of Tablecloths and Place Mats, Metal Law Chair, Small Battery Operated Chain Saw, Old Baby Stroller, Self-Heating Iron, Wash Board, Horse Hayne Smoke Stand, White Mountain Ice Cream Maker, 1-5 Gal Red Wing Crock, 1-4 Gal Red Wing Crock, 1-2 Gallon Western Crock, Stone Jug, Canner, Old Door Knobs, Gas Iron, Insulators, Stone Warmers, Hand Corn Sheller, Wooden High Chair, Old Metal Toys, Fisher Price, Tinker Toys, Tonka Toys-Grader, Trachoe, Earth Mover, 2-Hand Crank Telephones, Colman Cooler, Meat Grinder and Meat Saws, Sheet Rock Jack-New, School Desk, Old Picture Frames, F.W. Lincoln Wooden Box with Old Bottles, Butter Paddle, Butter Mold, Cross Cut Saw, Foot Pedal Sewing Machine, 2-Pitcher and Bowl Sets, Cast Iron Skillets, Transport Chair, Charbroil Electric Grill, North Star Portable Generator Electric Start 16 HP 8500 Continuous Watts, Military Cot, 2-Cream Cans, Wooden Bussel Baskets, 2017 Toro Zero Turn MX5000 24.5 HP 50 Inch Deck, 12-Feed Sacks with Lettering Toy Tractors Allis Chalmers 190 Pedal Tractor with Metal Wagon JD Model A Classic, JD Modal A with Cultivator, JD Model 4020 Power Shift PC, JD Model 4000 PC, JD Model F145H 5 Bottom Plow, JD Model 70 Diesel PC NF, JD Model 4020 Diesel PC NF, JD Model 494-A 4 Row Planter PC, JD Model 8400 PC FWA, JD 214T Twine Tie Baler PC, JD Model B Tractor PC, JD Model 730 Tractor Diesel NF PC, JD Model 4020 with 227 Corn Picker PC, JD Model 720 Diesel WF PC, JD Waterloo Boy PC, JD Bange Wagon PC, JD Hay Wagon PC, JD Model 720 with 80 Blade & 45 Loader, JD Model 8020 4 WD PC, JD Model 3010 PC WF, JD Model 70 Standard Tract WF, JD Model 630 PC WF, JD 4440 PC, JD Model B Unstyled, JD Model 5010 PC WF – ALL JD ITEMS ARE PRECISION CLASSIC AND IN BOXES. Seller: Connie Claycamp