GUNS Springfield 22 model 87A; Union Firearms 12 ga; KK 12 ga single shot; Mossberg 22 bolt model 44; Savage pump 22; Winchester model 97 pump 12 ga; Hunter Breach loader 12 ga; Glenfield model 65; double barrel hammer muzzle loader; I. Dumomms double barrel 12 ga; Stevens visible loader model 14 22; Winchester model 1904 22; Springfield 12 ga Tennite stock; Springfield model 120 22; Noble model 70 410; Remington model 1917 Enfield 30-06 (397522); Ruger model 77 Mark II 25-06; Hamilton model 27 22; H & R 38 revolver; H & R 923 22 revolver; 2-Daisy 96 Rogers BB guns; Daisy 102 BB gun; Daisy Grissley BB gun COLLECTABLES Oak 3 door ice box; painted Hoosier cabinet; 3 oak dressers; oak highboy; umbrella stand; oak music cabinet; small claw ball table; 6 quilts; 250+ tins many quality tobacco (Big Ben; Buckhorn; Model; Players; Tuxedo; Cream Toffee; Bugler; Harlem; Regs; Lucky Strike; Old English; Bagleys Yoc-O-May Hash cut; Players; Maryland Club; Norris; Kismet Incense; Revelation; Maryland Club; Model; Mickey Mantel; Central Union; Model; Blackbird Cinnamon; Dan Patch; Pickwick Cocoa; Buffalo Saddle Soap; Nebraska Blossom; Cinco; Twin Oaks; Fountain Tobacco; Dial; Rex; Rothenberg’s; Forest & Stream; Crow-Mo-Smoke; Checkers; Red Jacket; Honey Maid; Winner; Post Master; Mayo’s; Piper Heidsieck; Dan Patch; Bat Tobacco; Penn’s; War Eagle; Dixie Queen; Three States; Sweet Cuba; Sweet Burley; Sunset Trail; Havanettes; Cream Of The Burley; Golden Wedding Tea; US Marine Cut Plug; Dills Best Cut Plug; Climax Golden; Briggs Tobacco; Twin Oaks; Troost; Golden Pheasant; Matador; Three Nuns Tobacco; Target Cigarette; Globe; Bull Dog; Perique; Briggs; Dills Best; Mick McQuaid; Holiday Pipe Tobacco; Bond Street; Oceanic Cut Plug; Three States; Players Navy Cut; Between The Acts; Vanko; Cinco; Tom Moore; Piccadilly; Flying Dutchman; Catcher pipe tobacco; LaResta tobacco; Big Ben; Nebraska Blossom; Camel; Fountain Tobacco; Post Master Smokers; Pedro Tobacco; Kipps Tobacco; HI-Plane Tobacco; Lucky Curve Tobacco; Winner Cut Plug; Big Dad Short Cut tobacco; Mayo’s tobacco; Fashion tobacco; True Blue tobacco; That Philadelphia Perfecto; White Hen Atchison; Herald Tobacco; Richmond Club Tobacco; Sweet Burley; War Eagle cigars; Mogul; many others); A Fugitive Remington picture; Miller High Lite sign; B-Y’s and Y-B’s sign; strong box; cast iron Stock Farm barn & animals; cast iron oxen w/logs; cast iron threshing machine; cast iron banks (Sailor; pigs; dogs; black smith; John Deere; others); cast iron carriages w/horses; cast iron lions, pig, horses, cast iron tractor; China oriental figures; dog figurines; large marble collection; chain pictures; many lady pictures & plates; 50+ head vases; Parrish pictures; large collection Cupid pictures; hand brush collection; hair combs; perfume bottles; buttons; assortment jewelry; Penibrook Sport hat box; pin cushion collection; marble collection; playing card collection; many local advertising items; Gaylord, Woodston, Harlan, Kensington & other towns; horse, cow & elk pictures; many other pictures; Mathes Bros Hammer, KS, advertising picture; many game plates; china vase w/elk; game steins; pocket mirror collection; pocket knives; store tea display; Treasury Of The Civil War coins; local ash tray collection; store lipstick display; collection glass paperweights; advertising thermometers; Alice in Wonderland game; celluloid dolls; Cupid dolls; many dolls; Indian dolls; powder horn; Tin toys inc The Elephant, Walking Bear, Walking Lion, Peter Rabbit; White King tin 30’s truck; Tonka; Structo; Buddy L toys; Me-My Buddy pistol; cap guns; horses; Push M Up game; pop metal deer; 150 Indian head pennies; tokens; tobacco tags; crock McCormick Deering filter; Pittsburg 5 gal Ice Water crock; crock jugs; 2 gal Pittsburg churn; blue crock pitcher; kitchen primitives; coaster wagon; metal lawn chairs; forge; yard windmill; cast iron kettle; pitcher pump; weathervane; Smith Co. plat book; very large collection of other items. Note: Roy & Sharon had collected for many years. There is a large collection of quality tins, head vases, pictures, toys, and many other collectables. The collection has been in storage for four years. We did not open all of the boxes. ROY BELL