Cap gun collection, holsters, long guns, kid’s western vest, chaps; Roy Rogers items; Home on Range items; large collection Standard Oil items (oil drums; lube cans; cans, thermometers, coveralls, other); Phillips 66 delivery pump; large oil can collection; knife display case; Derby gasoline jacket; Chevrolet Service, Standard coveralls; Roaring Dusters Higley Speedway Smith Center coveralls; Smith Center advertising signs; many Smith Center items; Griffin tornado alarm; oak printer’s cabinet & printer’s blocks from Pioneer in Smith Center; large collection of toys (windup, friction, tractors, trucks, cars); bridal rosettes; implement dealers pocket ledgers; toy glass washing machine w/wringer; granite baby bottle washer; postage stamp moistener from Burr Oak post office; wooden utensils; wood salt box; clock collection; telephone collection inc: Kellogg fiddleback, several crank phones, rotary phones inc: Monophone; lightning rods w/weather vanes; coffee grinders; Dasey churn; cast iron muffin pan; straw holders; brass & metal cannons; elephant collection; 2 Remington typewriters; Perfection heaters; Toledo produce scale; balance scale; metal coin bank collection; pottery jars & jugs; large assortment of other items. NOTE: Dave & Nancy have retired. They have collected for many years. This is a very large, quality auction.