
Public Auction - Thummel Real Estate & Auction LLC

Thummel Real Estate & Auction LLC

Public Auction

Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 9:30 AM - Miltonvale, KS
- Tractors, Mowers, Machinery,
2 Wheel Trailers, Tools, Collectables & Other
👤︎ In Person

TRACTORS, MOWERS, MACHINERY Sell at noon 1966 John Deere 3020 diesel tractor, 3 pt, single hyd w/ JD 148 loader 7’ bucket, 3869 hours; 1953 Ford Golden Jubilee tractor, 3 pt, runs Ford 8 N tractor 3 pt. new tires, runs; Ford 9N tractor, flat head engine 3pt., new tires, being worked on; Ford tractor needs work; John Deere 318 riding mower; John Deere LA255 riding mower; 2 Heckendorn mowers; David Bradley walk behind; yard trailers; 3 pt. 5’ & 8’ blades; 3 pt. lifts; 3 pt. dirt slip; 3 pt. cultivator; 3 pt carrier; 3 pt. rear mower; 2 section rotary hoe; 3 pt. springtooth 2 WHEEL TRAILERS, TOOLS, COLLECTABLES & OTHER 2 tin Mobil Gas signs; plastic Mobil Oil sign; EZ Go electric golf cart; 11 2-wheel pickup trailers; 4 wheel flatbed trailer; Craftsman air compressor; hyd bumper jack; Walker engine hoist; stack tool box; drill press; acc torch w/2 sets bottles; 200amp battery charger; bench grinder; tire machine; metal bench w/vise; Stihl chain saw; angle grinder; assortment hand tools; step ladders; Whirlpool washer; electric dryer; 60’s china hutch; cedar chest; 2 small chest freezers; metal lawn chairs; Mr Pibb & Hamm’s clocks; Coca Cola thermometer; wood sled; walking plow; wash tub; fans; lanterns; cast iron barn & animals; dinner bell; Civil war books; other books; collectable glass; set Western glasses; green canister jar; Curtiss candy jar; wall telephone; granite pans; horseshoes; Maytag & IH oil cans; car tags; Dutch oven; Perfection heater; Cuckoo clocks; farm toys; gun cabinet; picnic table; fish tackle; chain saw parts; used chain saws; fans; large assortment of Ford tractor parts; large assortment of Chevrolet car parts; hubcaps; 1949 Chev shop manual; 1952 Chev service news; fire wood; iron; yard gate; live cages; buzz saw blades; yard windmills; wheelbarrow; bikes; Chev pickup tail gate; platform scale; wood wheelbarrow; new Alstate tire; porch swing; coaster wagon; 1” x 6” boards; oil cans; tires; Ford tractor jack; large assortment of other items. Note: Cash, checks and credit/debit cards accepted as forms of payment. A 3% convenience fee will be added to credit/debit card transactions. RICHARD L. & ELISE E. TAYLOR REVOCABLE TRUST

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