CROCKS: Red Wing 4 gal water cooler; winged Jars (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30); RW churns (2, 3, 4, 5); RW Jugs (2, 3, 4, 5,); KoRec chicken waterer; Western (2, 3, 4, 5, 8; corn); 6 gal birch leaf; crock hot water bottle; preserve jar; salt crock; crock sackie pot; blue & white crock jug; brown wax seal; other crocks; White Hoosier cabinet; 1 door Hoosier helper; oak 4’ floor showcase; green pine cabinet; 20’s china cabinet; newer oak 3 door ice box; camel back trunk; pitcher & bowl w/stand; No. 1 & 2 wooden barrel churns; Dazey churns; other churns; butter molds; Toledo store scales; machine chest; Pictures inc; Parish print; Blue Boy, Pink Lady, Lone Wolf; beaded purses; dresser set; hat pin holder; hat pins; glass inc: Vaseline, green & pink depression; Pyrex bowls; wall bracket lamps; Lincoln Drape Aladdin lamp; green Aladdin lamp; L C Smith typewriter; aluminum Christmas tree; copper boiler; wooden bucket; cast iron tea kettle; hay knives; beaters; coal bucket; knives; dinner bell; wall telephone; clock shelf; deer mount; Perfection heater; ice cream dipper; beater jars; milk bottles; granite coffee pot; egg scale; postage scale; viewer; cast iron boiler; granite pans; wagon seat; walking plow; hames; horse bridles; bridle rosettes; celluloid horse harness rings; horse collar; ammo boxes; brass car horn; wood egg case; wood pulleys; wood bucket; fish creel; paddles; nail keg; lead pot; adjustable squares; wire gauge; wooden corn sheller; pedal grinder; well wheels; railroad lantern; yard art; traps; yard windmill & pump; 2 metal yard chairs; remote car & truck; search light truck; Tonka toys; John Deere belt buckles; Lionel train cars; assortment of other collectables. Note: The Presslet’s collected crocks for many years. This is a very quality collection. There is an entire crock collection from 1 gal to 30 gal.