AUCTIONEER NOTE: Buy one or buy them both! Great opportunity for sizable yet affordable land tracts just minutes from El Dorado. LAND LOCATION: 1.5 miles east of HWY 77 on SE 20th and 2 miles from El Dorado Kansas. TRACT 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The west 20 offers great variety: small pond, pasture, timber, and rural water meter in place. Access is off SE 20th, and 1.5 miles from 2 paved roads. Utilities are available. Great opportunity for a building site OR keep a few livestock! TRACT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 1, Moore North Addition, in a portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18, Township 26 South, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Butler County, Kansas. TRACT 1 2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $69.38 TRACT 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The east 20 offers additional variety: pond, pasture, and scattered trees. A unique characteristic is UNDERGROUND: Arrowhead Cave is a recognized and mapped cave by the Kansas Speleological Society. Rural water and utilities available. Access is off SE 20th, and 1.5 miles from 2 paved roads. Great opportunity for a building site OR keep a few livestock! TRACT 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 1, Moore North Addition, in a portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18, Township 26 South, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Butler County, Kansas. TRACT 2 2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $67.50