The Donita Boerger Revocable Trust, Seller AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Sundgren Realty is excited to collaborate with Katie Brown and OWN Real Estate on this quality tillable farm ground northwest of Wichita, Kansas! TRACT 1 DESCRIPTION: 125+- acres of tillable farm ground between Halstead and Bentley in Harvey County, Kansas. Access is provided by blacktop Hertzler Rd along the east boundary. TRACT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The South Half (S/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Twenty-four (24) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M., Harvey County, Kansas, AND a portion of the North Half (N/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Twenty-four (24) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M., Harvey County, Kansas, described as: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4); thence South 825 feet; thence West 2,640 feet; thence North 825 feet; thence East 2,640 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT Beginning at a point 438 feet South of the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Twenty-four (24) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M.; thence South 387 feet; thence West 563 feet; thence North 387 feet; thence East 563 feet to the point of beginning. TRACT 1 LAND LOCATION: From Halstead, 3 3/4 miles south on Hertzler Rd. TRACT 1 2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1,270.66 TRACT 2 DESCRIPTION: 78+- acres of tillable farm ground between Halstead and Bentley in Harvey County, Kansas. Access is provided by blacktop Halstead Rd all along the east boundary. TRACT 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North Half (N/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Twenty-four (24) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M., Harvey County, Kansas, EXCEPT the West 25 feet of the East 50 feet thereof. TRACT 2 LAND LOCATION: From Halstead, 4 1/2 miles south on Halstead Rd. TRACT 2 2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $161.85