
KDOR Seizure Auction - Ruckert Realty & Auction

Ruckert Realty & Auction

KDOR Seizure Auction

Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Manhattan, KS
- KDOR Seized Assets From Mechanics Shop and Mobile Locksmith,
Snap on Wrenches, Sockets and Specialty Tools
👤︎ In Person

KDOR Seized assets from Mechanics Shop and Mobile Locksmith Can Am 3 wheel Spyder, 2016 GMC 2500 work van with shelving, 2005 Dodge Caravan, 14 ft Enclosed trailer with ramp, .2010 Mercedes Benz S550 Snap on wrenches, sockets and specialty tools Snap on steel bearing Race and seal driver set, open end wrenches, Noid light test kit, spark plug remover kit, bearing press, fan nut wrench set, universal disc brake caliper tool, stereo, paint guns, tube cutter, miscellaneous tools, snap on ratchets and extensions, snap on and blue-point socket set, snap on end wrenches, snap on specialty tools, sledge hammer, impact air wrench, snap ring pliers, tire pressure gauge, snap on impact with chargers, bar clamp, paint gun, snap on cylinder leak down tester, fencing pliers, snap on angle grinder, grease gun, welding helmets, rolling tool cart, blue-point rolling tool cart. Locksmith Tools and supplies including blanks and locksets. full 4x8 sheets of sheetrock All items to be sold at live auction by order of the Kansas Dept of Revenue.

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