
Estate Auction - Ruckert Realty & Auction

Ruckert Realty & Auction

Estate Auction

Sunday, April 14th, 2024 at 11:00 AM - St George, KS
- Ed loved his 37 Chevy Coup and it shows. He personally restored this
car and won many awards at car shows. He spent a lot of his time
working in his shop and has the tools and equipment that shows his
passion. Come enjoy the day with us and pickup some nice quality tools.
👤︎ In Person

37 Chevrolet coupe ( Very Nice restoration), 1050 FWD John Deere tractor, 743 bobcat skid steer, bench grinder, propane torpedo heater, engine stand, jack stands, power washer, two wheel dolly, engine hoist, ATV sprayers, trailer hitches, chain binders, shop fan, weed eater, gas powered tree saw, 3-point box blade, parts washer, hand tools, oils and lubricants, heavy duty jacks, Ryobi cordless tools, McCall pattern cabinet two drawer, Sanders, cut off saw withstand, drill press, DeWalt drills, pneumatic tools, jump pack, tool chest with casters, pneumatic airguns stapler guns, bar clamps, commercial series air compressor, air plasma cutter, Smith DC wire welder, material handling stands, bench sanders, workbench, large vice, commercial band saw, 6,000 generator, cutting torch with bottles, battery charger, air tanks, outdoor All terrain electric wheelchair with charger, organizing bins, metal shelving, laser level, tripod, car trailer with winch, miscellaneous metal and steel, aluminum ladders, wheelbarrows, three-point harrow, 3-point sprayers, 3-point aerator, two and single plows 3-point, 3 point finish mower, 3-point rototiller, skid steer bucket with teeth, 3 point box blade, 3-point single blade, 6 ft bush hog 3-point, dog cage, hubcaps, shelving, yard ornaments, hand tools garden tools, broadcaster cedar, turkey cooker with pot, garden cedar, log chains for tractor, trailer hitch bicycle rack, outdoor storage shed, wall clocked, gardening bench, dresser, office desk, bookcase, patio wrought iron dinette set, hose reels, oil lamps and much , much more.

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