Great primitives came in today: vintage metal glider and lawn chairs, walk behind disc, old gas motors inc. Maytag and Clinton, milk and cream cans, corn sheller, incubators, and more. Also Band Saw, table saw, older chain saw, some yard tools, nice drop leaf walnut table, beautiful unusual rocker w/lots of applied carving, maple china hutch, vanity dressing table, shelves, and more. Also lot more beautiful glassware, blown glass, pink – green – and amber depression, ruby red, amberina, pottery, cake stands, Pyrex bowls, nice cobalt blue dishes, paper weights, Steins, Precious Moments, glass and marble fruit, Barbie dolls, and more. And coins: 26 Morgan and Liberty silver dollars, 3 walking liberty halves, 6 proof sets, 5 commemorative silver rounds, 1943 Proof half, and more.