
Antique Machinery Auction - Kretz Auction Service

Kretz Auction Service

Antique Machinery Auction

Saturday, October 26th, 2024 at 10:00 AM - Clay Center, KS
- Pickup, Horse Cart, Tractors, Machinery, Stationary Engine, Books, Misc
👤︎ In Person

PICKUP, HORSE CART: 1946 Dodge, long bed, step side, 4 speed, flathead 6, VIN: 83302253, very good original condition; 2 wheel horse drawn cart in good shape; horse harness; TRACTORS: 1938 WC Allis; 1948 8N Ford; IH Farmall model A with plow; John Deere model MT, ser.# 32022; John Deere model B, nice; old John Deere A, ser.# 469482; 1951 Farmall H, totally restored by Bruna's in 1990, very good rubber, nice; 1949 International Cub w/sickle mower; 1938 WC Allis; G Allis w/plow; McCormick-Deering Farmall F-12, good paint; pair of steel rear wheel for F-12; 400 Farmall w/loader for parts or restoration; Gibson miniature tractor w/blade; (2) David Bradley walk behind tractors, one has plow & clutivator, one has sickle mower; pair of steel rear wheels for Allis MACHINERY, STATIONARY ENGINE, BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS: Hapgood 1 bottom plow with cast iron seat; 4 other old plows; #7 IH McComick Deering sickle mower; 2pt. & 3pt. 2 row listers; 2pt. blade; 2pt. track wacker; 2pt. weeder; 3pt. JD springtooth; good mist blower; Blade for Farmall A; dirt scoop; 1R horse drawn lister; 5 tooth walking cultivator; 3.5ft. pull type disk; JD hoods and other tractor parts; IH model M 1.5hp stationary engine on truck, nice; Kohler 5500 generator w/Kohler engine, elec start; around 50 old manuals and books relating to tractors, machinery and cars; old MERCURY child's wagon; BMA bicycle; post drill; pump with motor; reel lawn mower. 8N tractor jack; other old things and stuff. NOTE: Most of these tractors have been shedded and are in good running order. Several were driven in the Piotique Parade on September 29th. This sale will be over around 12:00. Tractors, cart and pickup to sell last. Items must be removed day of sale, either by the buyer or the seller, one way or another.

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