MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES(sell first): cast iron aunt Jemimahs; 2 very nice old cast iron Black Americana mechanical head banks; other old coin banks; 4 & 6 gallon Daisy churns; old oak wall phone; large horizontal antique display case from Wards Sporting Goods; pie cabinet; several crocks; about 20 bells and chimes; smalls; a variety of other antiques and collectibles.FARM TOYS & OTHER TOYS(approx. 9:30): Approximately 300 farm toys and other toys, many in boxes. Some precision JD toys; toy airplanes, vehicles etc. COLLECTIONS(sell last): Lg collection of maybe 500 pocket knives & sheathed knives; lg. collections of hand held hair clippers, scizzors, straight razors, belt buckles; hats; remaining canes from Day 1 NOTE: The Methodist Family Life Center is a very nice facility with air conditioning and cushioned chairs. Doors will open at 8:00am. Lunch provided by the Mizpah Church.