PISTOLS(sell at 10:00):H&R 22 pistol; H&R 32; Model 3D 22 single; Davids .380 auto; Berretta Model 92-D 9mm auto, like new; S&W Model 669 9mm, stainless steel; Ruger .22 Bearcat rev., like new; Ruger .22 New Model rev. w/6.5in. barrel, needs work;Ruger new-in-box Model P97DC; Taurus Model 709 compact 9mm auto; Ruger SR22 ,22 semi pistol in box; Heritage .22 Ruff Rider single action revolver in box; Taurus "Judge" 45/410 revoler, NIB; RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, GUN SAFE & Misc.(sell at 11:00):Mauser Gem 98 30-06, sport stock, Model 2179; Remmington Speedmaster .22 auto; Remmington 33 single shot .22: Ranger .22 automatic; 1906 Winchester .22 pump, good condition; Leinad 45/410 single shot; Mossburg bolt 12ga, Single Shot Winchester Model 37 12ga; Springfield 12ga single shot; JC Higgins-Sears Model 20 12ga pump, good; Stevens Model 77 12ga pump; another Stevens 12ga pump; Beenman .22 air rifle; Daisy Red Rider BB gun; Winchester Model 1000 .177 air rifle; China .177 air rifle; nice smaller gun safe; wooden gun cabinet; misc. gun related items; scopes; mags; belts; misc. ammo. and more. Gun books. KNIVES (over 1,000 to sell throughout the day): Several nice disply cases each with about 15 to 30 Case collectors knives purchased new at the factory; other cases of advertising knives; huge assortment of other good pocket knives by Schrade, Old timer, Keen Kutter; Gerber; Carhart; Superior Western; Coleman; Remmington; Camales Survival; WWII knives; Western Boulder; Indian; Callaway and others. Knife books. CANES(about 400 to sell in the afternoon): Many nice canes made by Dale with creative designs and handles of various decrative items Dale found through the years. Many nice factory canes. Variety of other canes. Hope to sell as many canes as possible on this sale. NOTE: We will sell knives until 10:00, at which time we will sell pistols. Case knives and all knives in cases will be sold following the pistols. At 11:00 we will sell rifles, shotguns and remaing gun related items, followed by remaing knives in cases, then canes and knives intermttently throughout the durration of the afternoon. Lunch provided by the Mizpah Church. The Methodist Family Life Center is a very nice facility with air conditioning and cushioned chairs. Doors will open at 8:00am.