
Real Estate & Personal Property Auction - Kooser Auction Service

4 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath, RANCH w/Basement…45’ x 30’ Outbuilding, ALL ON 3+ Acres M/L. TOTAL TAXES: $3,276.86 Real Estate to sell at approx. 11:30 AM. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT THE FINAL BID. TRACTORS & EQUIP.: John Deere 4010 Diesel, John Deere Tractor, John Deere Planter, John Deere “A”, 2 & 3 Bottom Plows, John Deere Sickle Mower. GUNS: Springfield Mod. 1911-A1 Pistol, Winchester Mod. 94AE 30-30, Crosman 99. HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS & MISC.: Pots, Pans, Holiday Décor., 3 Pc. Bedroom Set, TV Stand, Elect. Sewing Machine, Wardrobe, 4 Drawer Chest, Dresser, Toys, Toys, Toys (1000’s of John Deere, CAT, Barbies,). Misc. Dishes, Tea Sets, Band Saw, Coolers, Bar Stools, Shaper/Planer, Shop Vac., Scroll Saw, Canning Jars, Books, Hand & Garden Tools, Childs Rocker, Clamps. OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION!!!

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