Car 1998 BMW Z3;Roadster, 4 sp. Auto, (convertible), (58,740mi.) Furniture & Appliances Dining Table & 5 Chairs - Matching Hutch Thomasville Bedroom Set (King Headboard; large Armoire; Night Stand) Baldwin Baby grand Piano French Provincial Curio Cabinet; French Provincial Desk Recliner - Living Room chair – Foot Stool Chair & Ottoman; (2) Couches & (4) Living Room Chairs 2 Drawer Chest w/ Mirror; 5 Wall Unit Book Cases Coffee Table; Glass Coffee Table & End Table Small Desk - Credenza Desk & 2 Wood File Cabinets Brass Trim Side table Guns Savage Mod. 110; 30-06 SpringField; 3x9x40 Scope Remington Mod. 7400 Semi Auto 30-06 w 3x9x40 Scope, Sling GlenField (marlin)Mod. 30A; 30-30 Win Mossberg Mod. 385T–20 Ga. 2¾ or 3”–26” Full choke w/ mag. Remington Mod. 870 – 20 Ga. 2 ¾ or 3” Shells, 28” VR Accuchoke barrel Mossberg Mod. 715T AR 22LR Adj. Stock; 18” barrel, 25 Rd. Mag (NIB) Remington 597- 22 LR Semi Auto Mossy Oak break-Up (NIB) Bushmaster Carbon 15 MultiCal .223 -5.56 – 30 Rd. Mag Norinko SKS 7.62x39 NC Star 4x30 Scope, 20 Rd. Mag, Sling Remington Mod. 700; 30-06 Camo, Sling Nikon ProStaff 3x9x40 Scope Remington Mod. 870 WingMaster 12 Ga. – 28” full choke, 2 ¾ or smaller Remington Mod 788 - .243 Win, Bushnell Sport view 3x9x40 Scope Remington Mod. 34, 22 S-L-LR bolt Action Mosin Nagant Mod. 53, 1956 7.62x54 Bolt action Carbine Remington Wingmaster 870 – 12 Ga. 2 ¾”; 30” Full choke VR Barrel Mossberg Mod. 380; 22 LR Semi Auto (NIB) Mouser VZ-24; 8mm Chock Savage Arms Stevens Mod. 84C; Bolt Action 22 Clip Fed S-L-LR Masin Nagant Mod. 91/30; 7.62x54 Numbers Match Sears Mod 300 Semi Auto 12 Ga. 2 ¾”- 28” barrel Mod. Choke Like New Glenfield (marlin) Mod. 75 Semi Auto 22 LR Norinko SKS 7.62x39, bayonet NC Star 4x30 Scope Ruger Mod. 10/22 SS 22 LR Mossy Oak (NIB) Remington Mod. 1100 Semi Auto12 Ga. Magnum, 3” Shells 30”Full choke Barrel DPMS Panther Arms Mod. DPMS Tax 2 Cal. .223 or 5.56 Semi Auto (NIB) JC Higgins Mod. 66; 12 ga., Semi auto 28” Full choke New England firearms Pardner Mod. SB1 12 Ga. Choke 3” Shells 28” Mod. Choke single Shot Winchester Mod. 1897 – 12 Ga. Pump full choke; 28” Savage Mod. 11Bolt action caliber .204 Ruger (NIB) RWS Diana Mod. 54 Air rifle .177/4.5 mm (NIB) Antique & Collectible Howard & Miller Pendulum Clock Antique Pendulum Clock - Sligh Grandfather Clock Thomas Tuorte Pendulum Clock Seth Thomas Coo Coo Clock Large Antique Trunk (Been refurbished) The Heirloom Library Books (set of 10) John Grisholm; Mary Higgins Clark; Daniel Steel Books Lots of Collectible Glass Miscellaneous Electric Fire Place - Treadmill Pots & Pans - Small Kitchen Appliances Lots of nice crystal Pcs. - Sterling Silver Floor & Table Lamps - Wall Mirrors Art Work & Pictures - Christmas Tree & Wreaths Seasonal Decorations - DVD’s & VHS Tapes - Cook Books - Corning Ware - Miscellaneous dishes & glassware Glass Cake Plates - Ele. Roaster Lots of Miscellaneous Not Listed