
Real Estate, Land & Personal Property Auction - Crossroads Real Estate & Auction LLC

Crossroads Real Estate & Auction LLC

Real Estate, Land & Personal Property Auction

Sunday, August 25th, 2024 at 11:00 AM - Westmoreland, KS
- Outdoor & Shop Equipment, Household, Collectibles, Real Estate
👤︎ In Person

KITCHENWARES 90+ pieces of Fiesta ware, Waterford crystal, graniteware, Corningware and Pyrex, glass spice set, salt and pepper sets. Pyrex colored bowl set, Pillivuyt china set, various crock bowls, kids tea set. 3, 4, 5 & 15 gallon Crocks, canning jars & Hobart 20 qt mixer. FURNITURE & DECOR Minnesota sewing machine, Star Twist spool cabinet, Clarks spool cabinet, vintage material & buttons, Longaberger bowls and baskets, picnic baskets, wooden shaker buckets, antique wood barrels, wood pails and trunks, stained glass windows, leaded glass, various mirrors & artwork, barbed wire collection, turkey fans and large area rugs, Hoosier cabinet, antique pantry cabinet & buffet, walnut island, custom cabinets, dining chairs, live edge walnut desk, lawyers cabinet, armoire desk, oak dresser, tiger wood desk, claw foot with glass feet table, beadboard cabinets, childs cabinet, round oak table, large hutch, office furniture, leather couch & rocking chair, Vintage drying rack, payphone, croquet set, factory shoe rack, light box, kerosene lamps, lanterns, Vintage jewelry, pins, beaded and leather purses, pictures & antique mannequin. TOYS & DECOR Cast iron horse-drawn fire wagon, various horse figurines, antique stick horse, rocking horses, decorative sleds, sad iron, toy guns, antlers, saddle, rope, kids chaps, jacket & cowboy hats, Handmade quilts, quilt rack, coat rack, misc. crafts, scrapbooking materials, ceramic Christmas trees, Mother Goose book, barn trolleys, antique MW & Company store scale, reclaimed trim, GI joes, Ninja Turtles, Barbie dolls, Lincoln Logs, and sports trading cards, Weider Pro weight machine & elliptical. LAWN & GARDEN Patio set, Echo weedeater, electric pole saw & weedeater, steel cabinet, Wagner air compressor, electric fans and heaters. Antique Ford yard art truck, lots of metal yard art, dump rakes, bell, ladder, hog feeder, wagon & wagon wheels, wheelbarrows, tricycles, milk can, kettle, ornamental deer, branding irons, insulators, assortment of antique hardware and galvanized items. SELLERS: DANIEL & CHRISTINE STOCKWELL

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