American Warrior Farms, Inc. - Land Auction Click here to register to bid online. TRACT 1 AUCTION ACRES: 320+/- Acres *Selling surface & water rights only LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S/2 of Section Twenty-five (S25), Township Twenty-Seven (T27), Range Thirty-one West (R31W) in Lockport North Township, Haskell County, KS. DIRECTIONS FROM COPELAND, KS: 3 miles West on KS Hwy 56 to WW Road, then 8.5 miles North to 70 Road then 2 miles East to YY Road (Haskell/Gray Co. line) and 1 mile North. This will put you at the Southeast corner of the subject property. Signs will be posted. LOCATED FROM INTERSECTION OF HWY 83 & 70 ROAD: 12 miles East to YY Road (Haskell/Gray Co. line), then 1 mile North. This will put you at the Southeast corner of the subject property. Signs will be posted. TRACT 2 AUCTION ACRES: 300+/- Acres (234+/- acres of irrigated cropland) *Selling surface & water rights only LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E/2 of Section Twenty-eight (S28), Township Twenty-five (T25), Range Thirty-two West (R32W) in Ivanhoe East Township, Finney County, KS LOCATED FROM THE EAST SIDE OF GARDEN CITY: From the intersection of KS Hwy 50 & Hwy 83 take overpass South on Hwy 83 8 miles to Annie Scheer Rd. then 1.7 miles East to the Northwest corner of the subject property. Signs will be posted. LOCATED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF PLYMELL & HWY 83: 3 miles North to Annie Scheer Rd. then 1.7 miles East to the Northwest corner of the subject property. Signs will be posted. Click HERE for North Well Information Click HERE for South Well Information TRACT 3 AUCTION ACRES: 320+/- Acres (248+/- acres of irrigated cropland) *Selling surface & water rights only LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N/2 of Section Twenty-three (S23), Township Twenty-five (T25), Range Thirty-two West (R32W) in Ivanhoe East Township, Finney County, KS LOCATED FROM THE EAST SIDE OF GARDEN CITY: From the intersection of KS Hwy 50 & Hwy 83 take the overpass South on Hwy 83 8 miles to Annie Scheer Rd. then 3.7 miles East and 1/2 mile North to the South property line of the subject property. Signs will be posted. LOCATED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF PLYMELL & HWY 83: 3 miles North to Annie Scheer Rd. then 3.7 miles East and 1/2 mile North to the South property line of the subject property. Signs will be posted. Click HERE for East Well Information Click HERE for West Well Information ___________________________________________________________________ MANNER OF SALE: This real estate will be offered in 3 individual tracts only. No acres will be divided. There will be no combination of tracts. SELLER: American Warrior Farms, Inc.