Due to the passing of my husband I will offer the following Real Estate and Personal Property to the highest bidder Real Estate: Country living at its best – 2180 sqft living area plus 2 car attached garage Home built in 2013 all on one level. 2 full Bedrooms & 1 non-conforming Bedroom, 2 full Bath; 1 w/walk-in shower, 1 w/tub/shower, Laundry room, Storage area, Eat-in Kitchen, Wood burning fireplace in large family room (13'6' x 51'), Propane Heat, Central AC, Front section of roof replaced in 2023 due to wind damage. Appliances sell with home, 48 'x 51' Barn, 14' x 14' storage shed with electricity, small Butler Grain bin, Nice shade trees, pond, all on 15.1mol acres including Pasture/Hay Ground, Rural Water. Located in the Mid-Buchanan RV School District. Tractors – Equipment – Automobile - Trailers - Livestock Equipment 1970 Ford 5000 Diesel – Platform style – 2wd, Cab, 2026 Hours, 15.5x38 rear tires, spin-put wheels, single rear hydraulic ROPS for Ford Tractor 1999 JD 5210 Diesel, 2wd, Cab, 521 Loader, 3 Hydraulic Outlets, 1645 Hours, Good Tires, Serial #223468 1999 Buick LeSabre, 4 door Sedan, 126,000 miles, Full Power, AC, Tilt, Cruise, Leather Seats, New Tires, New Battery, Trans & Radiator full serviced, 2 owners, very clean Rhino SE6 3pt, 6ft Rotary Mower Rhino 3pt Post Hole Digger w/12” auger 3pt, 8ft Rear Blade Kiing Kutter 3pt 7ft Rear Blade 3pt Bale Mover 2023 Carry-On 6x10 Single Axle Flatbed Trailer 3500lb axle 4x6 Single Axle Trailer County Line 22Ton Hydraulic Horizontal Log Splitter s/gas engine Powder River stationary Squeeze Chute 2 – 10ft Powder River Gates; 3 – 8ft Powder River Gates; Other Metal Gates; Wire Cattle Panels Approx 50 6ft T Posts; 20 - 6” Wooden Posts; 4 - 8" Wooden Posts; Several Hedge Corner Posts, New Rolls Barb Wire; and much more 3 mile, 5 mile, & 10 mile Solar Fence Chargers Tools & Equipment Delta 10” Compound Miter Saw; GMC Compound Miter Saw; Craftsman 10” Table Saw; Ryobi Tile Saw; Craftsman 3hp 150psi Portable Air Compressor; Porter Cable 150psi Pancake Compressor; 6” Elec Bench Grinder; Skil Jig Saws; Bosch Sawzall; Skil Sawzall; B&D Sawzall; Skil Belt Sander; 7 ¼” Circular Saws; 6 ½” Circular Saw; Wagner Heat Gun; B&D Finish Sander; Master Force 12v Cordless Drill/Driver Set w/batteries & Charger; Bench Top 23v Drill Driver w/Battery; ¼”, 3/8” & ½” drive SAE Sockets; 14”, 3/8” & ½” drive SAE Deep Well Sockets; ¼”, 3/8” & ½” drive Metric Sockets; ¼”, 3/8” & ½” drive Metric Sockets; Bosch 3/8” drive SAE Impact Socket Set; Goodwrench ¼” & 3/8” drive Socket Set w/case; ¼” & 3/8” drive Socket set w/case; Craftsman SAE Combination Wrenches; Craftsman Metric Combination Wrenches; 15” & 18” Crescent Wrenches; Pipe Wrenches; Porter Cable Air Framing Nailer; Porter Cable Air Nailer; Porter Cable Air Nailer; Tool Shop Air Stapler; Vise Grips; Channel Lock Pliers; Hammers; Pliers; Side Cutters; Dykes; Tin Snips; Tape Measures; Screw Drivers; Nut Drivers; Elect/Amp Tester; Squares; Levels; Drill Bits; Drill Bit Sets; Die Hard 225amp Battery Charger; BlackJack 2 1/2 T Hydraulic Jack; Shop Vac; Log Chains; Wheel Barrows; and much more Kayak –Lawn & Garden – Fishing Equipment – Wood Burning Stove - Miscellaneous 2 – Hobie 12ft Fishing Kyaks; Pedal drive (very nice); White 6hp 20” Rear Tine Tiller; Minn Kota Maxxum Foot Controlled Trolling Motor; John Deere X720 Ultimate Graden Tractor, gas, 1171 Hours, 60” Deck; 5hp DR Trimmer; Stihl HT56C Gas Powered Pole Saw; Stihl MS271 Chain Saw w/case; Shakespeare Alpha Spinning Reel; 2 – Competition Spinning Reels; Cat Hunter Pro DX Spinning Reel; Fishing Poles; Fishing Tackle; Buck Hunting Knife w/sheath; Remington 70,000 BTU Kerosene ALCO; Gas Cans; Varmit Traps; 3 – 30” Bestra Grow Lights; Western Flyer Bicycle built for two; and much more Guns Glock 19 Austria 9x19 9mm Pistol w/case & 2 clips, serial #BAZK441; Savage Sporter 22cal LR Bolt Action Rifle w/clip Serial #98549; Glenfield Model 60 22cal LR only Rifle, tubular magazine, serial #26300878; Marlin 200 12ga Single Shot Shotgun, 3” chamber, Modified Choke, serial #KN120123; Shin A 12ga Single Shot Shotgun, 2 ¾” chamber, serial #29095 Household Antique Metal Furnace Floor Grate (25” x 33 ½”); Antique Walnut Library Table; Custom Made Pine Coffee Table (38” x 68”) & 2 Matching End Tables; Oak Cabinet w/sliding drawers; Custom Made Cedar Chest; Wooden Kitchen Table (38”L x 80 ½” L) w/4 chairs; Very Nice Electric Free Standing Fireplace 64” W x 18” D x 41” H; Wicker Table w/Iron Legs; Wooden Folding Table; Lazy Boy Recliner; Flex Steel Recliner; Lamp Table; Lg Coffee Table; Arm Chair; and more