The Late Don Mazer, The DeVault Family, Altmar Inc. Items Offered For Sale: Mercury outboard motor w/ gas tank & trolling motor, bed frames, John Deere model 325 lawn mower, Craftsman YS4500 Lawn mower, Whirlpool chest freezer, coolers, coffee makers, leaf blowers, filing cabinets, drafting tables, office chairs, glass fronted wine coolers, table and floor lamps, copiers, printers, shelving, hitch’n haul rear hitch rack, hand saws, pipe wrenches, rasps, files, draws, nippers, combination wrenches, sockets, ratchets, breaker bars, drill bits (paddle & auger), dust deputy dust collector system, wolverine grinding jig system for sharpening lathing tools w/many attachments, delta bench grinder, bar clamps, Hold Heet glue pot, Oneida Air Systems bench top dust collector system, Jet JBM-5 Bench top drill press, sanders, Jet 10-14I Mini Lathe, Mini Lathe accessories (talon chuck, mini jumbo jaws, spigot jaws, taper lock adaptor, many more accessories not listed), watering cans, metal tongs, ice skates, wash boards, cast iron lamp holders, Atlas explosives crate, miscellaneous wooden crates, antique hand planes, two wheel dolly, misc. hand tools, misc. air tools, screwdrivers, nuts/bolts/screws/& other fasteners, craftsman tool storage chest, sadirons, Makita air compressor, nail guns, palm sanders, funnels, roll pin punches, misc. punches, router bits, golf clubs & traveling supplies, crockery & copperware, extension ladder, Irwin auger bits, Bozak B-305 Contemporary stand alone speaker (works fantastic!), bolt bins, yard tools, push mower, cast iron skillets, wicker rocker chair, Subaru generator, dike Pliers, slip joint pliers, water pump pliers, Remington 870 Express-Magnum youth model 20gauge shotgun, roaster pans, McCall’s filing cabinets, c-clamps, Dipstick 160 welder, Clarke weld Mig 130 gasless fan cooled wire feed welder, stand alone bench vise, silage fork, handy man jack, floor jacks, antique Philco radio receiver, & RCA Victor radio receiver, Heathkit Tube Tester Model IT-17, Heathkit RF Oscillator Model IG-5280, several quilts, decorative plates, oil lamps, tea cups, pink depression glass, beer/wine brewer’s starter kit, propane barbeque grill, kitchen table, pitcher & basin, patio furniture, Antique Kellogg Telephone (innards are still present), green glass, antique eye glasses, Landers No. 2 spring scale, KSU wrist watch, milk glass, assorted Fiesta ware, Columbia Family Scale Co. scales, cut glass, copper boiler, vintage women’s clothing, assorted paintings & prints, Singer sewing cabinet, antique women’s hats, Chinese sewing baskets, wooden yarn winder, antique thread and bobbins, vintage skirt marker, vintage purse, solid wood desk, solid wood chairs, E. Ingraham Co. mantle clock, burlap sugar sacks, Roseville pottery, many more items not listed!